The Great Supernatural Rewatch Review Debacle

Supernatural is a show you can't escape from if you've ever been on Tumblr. I had the (mis)fortune of joining Tumblr when it was still airing, way back when, and as a weird little preteen I decided to pirate it online to watch it, then ended up collecting DVDs to be able to watch it in the UK at that time. However, it's not 2017 anymore, and Spn (as the cool kids call it on the net) is no longer as well-regarded as it once was. Maybe it was the queerbait, maybe it was Sam's horrible wig in the finale, but I fear that the current internet opinion towards the show are not as high as they once were, even if the earlier seasons were genuinely quite good, if kind of dated.

I have endeavoured to watch Supernatural, not for my own viewing pleasure (toootally not) but instead to do a comprehensive, 100% objective review of every single episode of Supernatural, both in podcast and in written form, in around 2-3 episode chunks. This choice is mostly for brevity, but also because some of these episodes (especially in later seasons) I couldn't really be asked to do an in-depth solo review for, because I just don't have much to say.

The Road So Far:

  • Season 1
  • Season 2